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What is the Title 1 Program?

The Title 1 Program is a support designed to help students achieve academic standards in mathematics and literacy. Students are identified with the help of district assessments and receive additional instruction in one or both areas as needed.

St. Johns Title 1 Documents

Elementary Science Class


Gateway North Elementary school  and Oakview South Elementary school believe that strong partnerships between parents and school staff are essential for high student achievement. Parents and staff members of Gateway North Elementary and Oakview South Elementary School worked together to develop these Title I School-Wide Parent Involvement Policies. The parent teams and school staff will continue to have input revising and updating our parent involvement policies.


Parent Involvement Policy - Gateway


Parent Involvement Policy - Oakview


These compacts were designed by a group of parents and teachers to share our beliefs about how student success is a responsibility shared by students, teachers and parents.


Student/Teacher/Parent Compact - Gateway


Student/Teacher/Parent Compact - Oakview

Fists in Solidarity

©2024 by St. Johns Public Schools

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